• 20 Nov 2025 - 22 Nov 2025
  • Lille

Join our intensive three-day course, specially designed for healthcare professionals who want to deepen their skills in treating the anteromedial and posteromedial muscle chains. This immersive course combines cutting-edge theory with practical workshops, giving you an in-depth understanding and precise application of treatment techniques.

Why take part in this training course?

1. Develop Advanced Expertise : This course will enable you to master the fundamental principles and specific techniques relating to the anteromedial and posteromedial muscle chains. You will acquire in-depth knowledge that will set you apart in your professional practice.

2. Intensive practice : Each day of training includes supervised practical sessions where you can apply the techniques you have learned. Working in pairs under the watchful eye of experts will enable you to hone your skills and integrate theoretical concepts into real-life clinical situations.

3. Clinical impact : By taking part in this course, you will improve your clinical skills, enabling you to offer your patients more effective and personalised treatments. Whether you are treating postural dysfunctions or specific pathologies, you will be better equipped to meet your patients' needs.

4. Holistic approach : The course approaches the different muscle chains in an integrated way, taking into account their interconnection and their overall impact on the body. This holistic approach is essential for understanding and treating complex dysfunctions.

5. Professional certification : At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate attesting to your participation and your newly acquired skills. This certificate is recognition of your commitment to providing high-quality care to your patients.

6. Professional Network : By joining this course, you will have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with other professionals who share the same interests, enriching your network and your professional prospects.

Register now to transform your practice and become a recognised expert in muscle chain treatment! Don't miss this unique opportunity to develop your skills and improve the quality of your care.


09:00 - 12:00

Jour 1 : Matin

Introduction aux principes de traitement des chaînes antéro-médianes. Pratique sur le thorax : gestion des tensions du plexus solaire, enfoncement sternal, inversion de courbure thoraco-lombaire. Travail des trois diaphragmes : thoracique, pelvien et pharyngé. Pratique sur le cou et la tête : problèmes des hyoïdiens, inversion de courbure cervicale, recul de la mandibule, tensions pharyngées. Marquage des trajets musculaires et manœuvres de correction (pratique en binômes).
Andria Andria
14:00 - 18:00

Day 1: Afternoon

Pratique sur les membres inférieurs : hallux valgus, flexum de genou, vrai génu-valgum. Pratique sur le bassin : contre-nutation sacrée, rotation du sacrum, tensions périnéales, pubalgies, incontinence. Marquage des trajets musculaires et manœuvres de correction (pratique en binômes).
09:00 - 12:00

Day 2: Morning

Pratique sur le membre supérieur : flexum de coude, rhizarthrose du pouce. Torsion dans le membre supérieur et ancrage des chaînes antéro-médianes en T8. Marquage des trajets musculaires et manœuvres de correction (pratique en binômes).
Andria Andria
14:00 - 18:00

Day 2: Afternoon

Introduction aux chaînes postéro-médianes : rappel des principes de traitement. Compétition entre les chaînes postéro-médianes et antéro-médianes. Pratique sur les membres inférieurs : pied cavus, faux varum du genou, récurvatum du tibia, inversion de la torsion physiologique du genou, syndrome rotulien, Osgood-Schlatter. Marquage des trajets musculaires et manœuvres de correction (pratique en binômes).
Andria Andria

Day 3: Morning

Pratique sur le tronc : dos plat, horizontalisation du sternum, sub-luxations costo-vertébrales, instabilisation du trépied vertébral, terrain prédisposant à la scoliose. Nutation et désencastrement du sacrum, distension sagittale du périnée. Marquage des trajets musculaires et manœuvres de correction (pratique en binômes).
Andria Andria
14:00 - 17:00

Day 3: Afternoon

Pratique sur le cou et la tête : bosse de bison, céphalées d’Arnold, sinusites frontales. Marquage des trajets musculaires et manœuvres de correction (pratique en binômes). Réponses aux questions et discussion.
Andria Andria

frequently asked questions

Who is this course for?

Cette formation est destinée aux professionnels de la santé, notamment les kinésithérapeutes, ostéopathes, chiropracteurs, et autres praticiens ayant une solide base en anatomie et en physiopathologie musculaire. Elle convient aussi bien aux praticiens expérimentés qu'aux débutants souhaitant approfondir leurs compétences dans le traitement des chaînes musculaires.

How long does the course last?

The course takes place over three consecutive days, with intensive sessions divided between mornings and afternoons. Each day includes theoretical instruction as well as practical workshops for optimum understanding and application of the concepts covered.

What is the training format?

The programme combines in-depth theory with supervised practical sessions. You will have the opportunity to work in pairs to practise the techniques taught, with direct feedback from the trainers to ensure you master the techniques and concepts.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

Yes, at the end of the three-day course you will be issued with a certificate of attendance. This certificate attests to your attendance and the acquisition of the skills taught during the programme.

Do I need special equipment for the course?

We recommend that you bring comfortable clothing that allows plenty of freedom of movement, as well as something to take notes on. All other materials needed for the practical workshops will be provided on site.

Is there a limit to the number of participants?

Yes, in order to guarantee quality learning and personalised supervision, the number of participants is limited. We recommend that you register as soon as possible to reserve your place.

Is the training Qualiopi certified?

Yes, our training courses are Qualiopi certified, which guarantees that we comply with the quality standards defined by French legislation for training courses. This certification attests to the rigour of our teaching and administrative processes, and ensures that you benefit from recognised, high-quality training. It can also make it easier for certain public or private funding bodies to pay for your training.



  • Time : 09:00 - 18:00 (Europe/Brussels)

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