BCMA Niveau 1 – Module 1 : Les Chaînes Antéro-Latérales et Postéro-Latérales

  • 15 Jan 2026 - 17 Jan 2026
  • Lyon, France

Intensive Training on the Principles of Muscle Chain Treatment

We invite you to take part in our intensive three-day training course, specially designed for healthcare professionals wishing to deepen their knowledge and refine their skills in muscle chain treatment. This unique programme combines in-depth theoretical sessions with intensive practical workshops to give you a comprehensive understanding and rigorous application of treatment techniques.

Why is this training essential?

Muscle chains are at the heart of many health problems, affecting posture, mobility and overall body function. A precise, holistic approach is essential for effectively treating dysfunctions linked to these chains. Our training will enable you to master advanced concepts and learn how to apply them in your daily practice, with a focus on personalising treatments to meet the specific needs of each patient.

Contenu de la Formation

This course is structured to offer a logical and coherent progression, guiding you from the exploration of the antero-lateral to the postero-lateral chains, with particular attention to critical areas such as the neck, skull, upper and lower limbs, pelvis and trunk.

Frais Administratifs d’Inscription

Pour confirmer votre participation à la formation, des frais administratifs d’inscription de 185 € sont à régler au moment de votre inscription et sont inclus dans le prix de ce module. Ces frais couvrent les coûts liés à l’organisation de la formation, incluant la réservation des locaux, le matériel pédagogique, ainsi que l’encadrement par des experts. En vous acquittant de ces frais, vous assurez votre place dans un environnement de formation de qualité, avec un suivi personnalisé.

NB : Procédure d’Inscription

Les frais d’inscriptions de 185€ sont dorénavant inclus dans le prix de ce module soit 600€ + 185€ = 785€, si vous avez commandé ce module au montant de 600€ il est alors nécessaire de s’acquitter des frais d’inscription, contactez nous via le module WhatsApp en bas à droite de cette page.

Pour participer à cette formation ou ce stage, 📄 you must download the training agreement available on this page. Une fois téléchargée, veillez à compléter, signer et renvoyer cette convention à l’adresse suivante : info@vincula-formation.com.

Please note that only receipt of this duly completed and signed document will validate your registration for the event.

We thank you for your cooperation and remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.

Venue Info

Lyon, France

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09:00 - 18:00

Day 1: Morning

Investigation of the Anterolateral Chains (AL) Introduction and Precautions: Understanding the specific features of the AL terrain and knowing where to begin treatment. Upper limb: Diagnosis and treatment of common dysfunctions such as PSH, epicondylitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and rhizarthrosis. Practical: Marking muscle paths and corrective manoeuvres in pairs.
ch.campi@gmail.com ch.campi@gmail.com
14:00 - 18:00

Day 1: Afternoon

Lower limb and pelvis: Treating false flat feet, false valgus, false dislocation of the patella, protrusive coxarthrosis and other dysfunctions. Trunk : Management of intra-abdominal pressure problems, visceral tensions and thoracic blockages. Practical: Marking muscle paths and corrective manoeuvres in pairs.
ch.campi@gmail.com ch.campi@gmail.com
09:00 - 12:00

Day 2: Morning

Neck and skull: Management of tinnitus, occlusion problems and temporomandibular asymmetry. Practical: Marking muscle paths and corrective manoeuvres in pairs.
ch.campi@gmail.com ch.campi@gmail.com
14:00 - 18:00

Day 2: Afternoon

Introduction to the PL terrain: Specific precautions and initiation of treatment. Pelvis: Treating nutation, cranial folding of the coxal bone and distension of the perineum. Practice: Marking muscle paths and corrective manoeuvres in pairs.
ch.campi@gmail.com ch.campi@gmail.com
09:00 - 12:00

Day 3: Morning

Lower limbs: Treating expulsive coxarthrosis, genu varum, meniscal problems and true flatfoot. Practical: Marking muscle paths and corrective manoeuvres in pairs.
ch.campi@gmail.com ch.campi@gmail.com
14:00 - 17:00

Day 3: Afternoon

Competition between muscle chains: Analysis of interactions between posterolateral and anterolateral chains. Q&A session: Answers to your questions and in-depth discussions.
ch.campi@gmail.com ch.campi@gmail.com

frequently asked questions

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for health professionals such as physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and other practitioners with a good understanding of muscle anatomy and pathophysiology. It is suitable for both experienced practitioners and beginners looking to deepen their skills in the treatment of muscle chains.

How long does the course last?

The course takes place over three consecutive days, with intensive sessions divided between mornings and afternoons. Each day includes theoretical instruction as well as practical workshops for optimum understanding and application of the concepts covered.

What is the training format?

The programme combines in-depth theory with supervised practical sessions. You will have the opportunity to work in pairs to practise the techniques taught, with direct feedback from the trainers to ensure you master the techniques and concepts.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

Yes, at the end of the three-day course you will be issued with a certificate of attendance. This certificate attests to your attendance and the acquisition of the skills taught during the programme.

Do I need special equipment for the course?

We recommend that you bring comfortable clothing that allows plenty of freedom of movement, as well as something to take notes on. All other materials needed for the practical workshops will be provided on site.

Is there a limit to the number of participants?

Yes, in order to guarantee quality learning and personalised supervision, the number of participants is limited. We recommend that you register as soon as possible to reserve your place.

What is the €185 administrative registration fee?

The administrative registration fee covers the costs associated with organising the course, including reserving premises, teaching materials and supervision. This fee also makes it possible to keep the number of participants down to ensure high-quality, personalised follow-up. This fee must be paid at the time of registration to confirm your participation in the course.

Is the training Qualiopi certified?

Yes, our training courses are Qualiopi certified, which guarantees that we comply with the quality standards defined by French legislation for training courses. This certification attests to the rigour of our teaching and administrative processes, and ensures that you benefit from recognised, high-quality training. It can also make it easier for certain public or private funding bodies to pay for your training.



  • Time : 09:00 - 16:30 (Europe/Brussels)

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