B.C.M.A.© Myofascial and osteoarticular tuning© New hybrid training course 2024-2025
"A perfect knowledge of anatomy is a prerequisite for treatment. In addition to the anatomical-physiopathological approach and an understanding of the concept of predisposing terrain, this course will give you very precise techniques for taking a holistic approach to the treatment of your patients.
The new course alternates video and face-to-face sessions
Locomotor System Restructuring Therapy
Proposes a restructuring therapy for the musculoskeletal system based on the notion of predisposing terrain. It proposes different treatment strategies for better adaptation to different cases.
Understanding and Diagnosing Body Pathologies
Aims to facilitate understanding of the processes of destructuring of the body that lead to pathology, through a better knowledge of anatomo-physio-pathology. It enables the diagnosis to be refined and the treatment to be individualised through a choice of appropriate techniques.
The Whole Body: Interrelationships and the Myofascial System
The notion of globality, whether in terms of the inter-relationship between systems or, more simply, the link between the different parts of the body, becomes an anatomo-physiological reality in which the myofascial system regains its rightful place.
All courses must be attended. It is always possible to make up a course at another site.
Detailed bibliography of Philippe Campignion
A complete and detailed bibliography
Contenu multimédia additionnel
Le Bassin
Pre-requisites for distance learning bcma training
BCMA prerequisites
BCMA prerequisites
BCMA prerequisites
BCMA prerequisites
BCMA prerequisites
FORMATION BCMA NIVEAU I : Les techniques Myofasciales et osteo articulaire
Stage d'initiation à la BCMA
Intensive Training on the Principles of Muscle Chain Treatment
BCMA Niveau 1 pour les kinésithérapeutes
BCMA Level 1 Module 3: Postero-anterior and Antero-posterior chains
BCMA Level 1 - Module 4: Tests and analyses
BCMA Niveau 1 pour les podologues
BCMA Level 1 Module 3: Postero-anterior and Antero-posterior chains
BCMA Level 1 - Module 4: Tests and analyses
Formation BCMA Niveau 2 : Perfectionnement en Techniques Myofasciales pour kinésithérapeutes
BCMA Level 2 - Module 1: The Pool
BCMA Level 2 Module 2: The Lower Limbs
BCMA Level 2 Module 3: The Trunk and Breathing
BCMA Level 2 Module 4: The Upper Limbs
Perfect Your Skills: Intensive Training Courses in Myofascial Techniques and Osteopathy
Accompagnement de l’enfant Module 2 (module 1 pré-requis)
La construction du bassin
Prise de conscience corporelle – Module 1
Prise de conscience corporelle – Module 2
Prise de conscience corporelle 1
Prise de conscience corporelle 2
Theme-based courses: Specific training in Myofascial Techniques
Yoga et biomécanique des chaines musculaires et articulaires
Formations Spécialisées : Explorez Nos Cours Complémentaires en Santé
Module 1 : Les Fascias : Le Traitement Fascial Moderne – Techniques Fasciales Intégrées – Quadrant Inférieur
Les Fascias : Le Traitement Fascial Moderne – Le Système Immunitaire et Lymphatique
Module 2 : Les Fascias : Le Traitement Fascial Moderne – Techniques Fasciales Intégrées – Quadrant Supérieur